As It Was Meant to Be

 I took a long hike in the forest the other day.

It was a bit warm, but still a gorgeous day, and though our forests are normally very peaceful, it was unusually so that afternoon, with only the bugs and critters doing what they do. I love when there are no human sounds, even when I listen hard.

Working my way up a peak, it struck me how I was surrounded by the complete cycle of life. All at the same time, plants were sprouting while trees were dying, birds were hatching while other creatures were losing the battle as food for someone else, and flowers were blooming – being fed by the decay of previous life. As it was meant to be.

And so it has also been within my own circle of family and friends this past month, with babies being born and wonderful souls passing on. A month that has created a strong clash of emotions within me. Thus, I think of the forest.

As it has always been.



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