An Uncomfortable Perspective

It seems the majority of humans are finally beginning to wake up to the reality of how our own existence is effecting the biosphere within which we live, resulting in extreme and devastating changes to its weather patterns. That it has taken this long confirms the feeling some of us have that our technology has exploded way faster than we can effectively learn to use it wisely and responsibly. The consequences are the increase in heat, fire, storms, floods, drought, and lack of food and water we are now just starting to experience. From our human perspective there is not much good to this story, especially for those with children and grandchildren. The world we are leaving them will surely not be as habitable as it has been.

And though too many of us like to think we are all that matters – our arrogance is second to none – there are countless other perspectives from which Climate Change can be viewed. Many insect species, for example, are benefiting from the warming trend, and their numbers are increasing as their range expands northward into areas where it used to be too cold. Or the renewal of forests that always occurs following wildfire, maybe this time with heartier plant life more suited to a warmer, and more variable, climate.

And if you step back and look at the Earth as a whole, what you see is a small life-supporting planet that is once again starting to rebalance following a large, disrupting event. One like the asteroid strike that doomed the dinosaurs. But this time the disrupting event is us, with an exploding population and lifestyle that are unsustainable. From that view it is neither good nor bad, but just a rebalancing that nature requires.

From that perspective, our planet is simply beginning an extermination to rid itself of a nasty, detrimental infestation, ironically using the offending species against itself.
